Bauhaus, what is the Bauhaus school and who is its founder? Characteristics of the Bauhaus art school?

 Bauhaus, what is the Bauhaus school and who is its founder? Characteristics of the Bauhaus art school?

What is the Bauhaus School and who is its founder:

Bauhaus is a German term meaning "house building" or "architecture". The Bauhaus movement was founded in 1919 by the German artist, architect and painter Walter Gropius. The goal of Bauhaus was to create a new type of architecture based on the human body and its relationship to nature. The school's founder believes people can learn from nature and use that knowledge to design cities and buildings that are compatible with their environment. The Bauhaus concept was popular in the 1930s because it reflected many people's dissatisfaction with the traditional architecture of the time. It also allowed artists to work together in a creative environment without censorship from a college class or curator.

The Bauhaus movement was a response to the rapid development of technology and design at the start of the 20th century, which led to a new way of life based on functionality. The Bauhaus movement was a reaction against what it saw as the often excessive ornamentation and decoration of Victorian architecture and interior design. He sought to create a more efficient, simple and uncluttered environment. Bauhaus artists were concerned with creating objects that could be used in everyday life, rather than simply being decorative items to display or embellish. The goal was not only to produce beautiful works of art, but also to redefine art as something useful in everyday life.


The Bauhaus movement was founded by architect Walter Gropius, who wanted to create a new form of architecture for the 20th century. He believed that the modern world needed new design solutions to help people live better lives. Gropius' students included Marcel Breuer and Le Corbusier. The Bauhaus style emphasized function and simplicity over ornament, but it also embraced industrialization, which was very important during this period of history as it was an era of social change. rapid and technological progress.

Gropius believed that architecture should be an expression of human culture, not just an object in itself; He wanted to reflect people's attitudes and values as well as their material culture. He also wanted it to be accessible to allow people from all walks of life to access good design, regardless of their socio-economic status or level of education.

The movement generally involves a focus on simple, honest designs executed with modern materials. Members of this movement were interested in the idea that architecture should be both practical and beautiful. They believed that materials should always be used in their simplest form and should be accessible to everyone. This led to a preference for building materials such as steel and glass rather than marble or stone. The Bauhaus school was characterized by its emphasis on functionality rather than decoration or style; However, he did not completely reject ornament. In fact, they believed that ornament could be used to further enhance functionality if done correctly (such as using smooth curves rather than straight lines).

Characteristics of the Bauhaus School of Art:

The Bauhaus movement is considered one of the most influential art schools in history, and its principles have been widely imitated by designers around the world. The Bauhaus was a prominent German architectural movement that existed from 1919 to 1933 that emphasized natural light, industrial materials, and the use of glass in architecture. His philosophy was to create "pure", "functional" and "no frills" things. They sought to create innovative, practical and honest art. They developed a new form of typography (Germany had no printing press at the time) and used simple shapes to create powerful images. The Bauhaus also had a major influence on fashion design, interior design, graphic design, cinema, scenography, architecture and industrial design.

It was the first modern school of architecture and design of furniture, interior decoration objects and buildings. The Bauhaus was founded by Walter Gropius and Paul Klee, both artists. They wanted to create an experimental school where they could work with new materials and technologies. They wanted to create art that represented their vision for the future of architecture and design. They believed that art should be used as a tool for social change and should be accessible to everyone, regardless of socio-economic status or age group. This philosophy has inspired them to create affordable housing projects for people on a budget, such as social housing complexes and furniture for everyday use rather than mere decoration.

The Bauhaus also believed in creating spaces where people could come together to exchange ideas about design, culture, and society at large. The goal was not just to make things look good but also functional so people could easily use them without having to think hard about how they work or why they look good in the first place.

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