Readymade art, its definition, characteristics and the most important pioneers of readymade art

 Readymade art, its definition, characteristics and the most important pioneers of readymade art

Definition of ready-made:

Readymade art is an artistic movement that originated in the early 20th century and continued into the 1940s. The movement was characterized by artists who used ready-made objects to create art , such as found objects or industrial materials. The name comes from the fact that the work is already completed and is often made from readily available materials. The term was coined by American artist Dan Flavin (born 1937), who was interested in how the concept of the readymade could be used as an artistic medium.

Ready-made art is a term used to describe the practice of creating art without any prior experience or training. The term is taken from “Fontaine” by Marcel Duchamp (1917). Readymade art is a type of art that emerges from the practice of appropriation, often associated with the post-war period. At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of artists began using ready-made objects as the basis for their work. The movement fell out of favor with artists in the 1930s, but has since been revived by artists who continue to use ready-made objects as the basis for their work. It's a type of art that has been around for decades now, but really took off with the emergence of the New York School in the 1930s. It is also sometimes called "found object" art or "found object" art. " artificial ".

However, this definition can be misleading: many readymade works are created by professional artists who have developed a reputation for working with found objects and unconventional materials. The term is often used synonymously with conceptual art, but can also refer to any type of work created without intention or premeditation. This was a reaction against Abstract Expressionism, which had been prevalent in the art world since the 1920s. Readymades were made by artists dissatisfied with Abstract Expressionism's view that art was created only by genius and sought to create a work that anyone could reproduce. The movement also embraced pop culture, often manifested through collage and photography.

Ready-to-use art features:

The term "ready-made" initially referred to the concept of something made for someone else, but later came to mean any object or work of art that was not created by the artist but rather found or assembled by him. Readymade art is a type of art that uses objects that already exist in the world as subject matter. This may include found objects, such as trash, or industrial materials such as metal, cement or plastic. Readymade artists often create sculptures or other works of art by manipulating these materials into new shapes.

Readymade art is an artistic movement that challenges the idea of a “finished” work of art. The idea behind ready-made art is that it can be created in any medium and then displayed as if it was created specifically for that space. Readymades are collages, assemblages and installations made from found objects.

Although there are many types of ready-made art, a common form is sculpture made from found materials such as wood and plastic. Another way to create ready-made art is to use elements that have already been designed as part of a larger project and then incorporate them into a new work. For example, if you are making a sculpture from glass bottles, you will likely need some type of mold or tool to shape your glass pieces into the desired shape. The mold will help shape the glass objects so that they can be used in another way later.

Duchamp's work was inspired by Marcel Jean-François Royer, the French painter and sculptor who had been exhibiting with the Société des Artistes Indépendants since 1908. In 1915, Royer presented his ready-made piece titled "Le Grand Verre" at a exhibition organized by Duchamp. and Man Ray in New York. This work consisted of a large glass frame containing a painting that appeared to be taken entirely from found photographs, but was in fact based on a painting by Georges Seurat (1859-1937).

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