How is the architecture of the mosque sensual and moral? How did the architecture of the mosque affect human psyche? Psychological characteristics of the architecture of the mosque

 How is the architecture of the mosque sensual and moral? How did the architecture of the mosque affect human psyche? Psychological characteristics of the architecture of the mosque

The mosque is a place of worship and physical comfort. The design must be sensory and moral. The mosque must have smells, sounds and good scenes that calm the mind and body. These elements must be combined in the architecture of the mosque. Architecture must be harmonious with the environment, because it is one of them. Architecture must be aesthetic and functional.

The architecture of the mosque should be part of the environment. He must not interfere with or harm the environment. To build the mosque according to the climate of its location and land so that it is not affected by weather conditions. He must have an aesthetic appeal to non-Muslims, so that they do not feel uncomfortable while they are inside this building.

The architecture of the mosque must reflect all these qualities:

  • Sensory: architecture must be beautiful and calm to create a feeling of calm in the mind
  • Ethics: architecture must encourage reflection on religion and spirituality

Since prayer is the most important activity of the mosque, it must be designed with particular attention to its senses. The prayer room should be in the middle of the mosque and have a dome that makes it more beautiful and spiritual. The dome must also be in the form of a roof at the top of the building so that it appears as if there were trees on it. The interior of the mosque needs a lot of bulbs hanging from the ceiling because it will help people see their way during prayer. There should also be a kind of carpet or carpet on the floor so that people do not slip when they enter the inside during their prayers, as it can cause injuries or even death due to the fall on Solid surfaces such as tiled floors that can harm someone.

How the architecture of the mosque affected the human psyche:

In the mosque building, it is important to note that there is a very specific space for prayer. This space is called the Mihrab (literally "mihrab"). The Mihrab is a small place in the wall behind the pulpit, indicating the place where Muslims should turn their face during prayer. It is a very simple design composed of a few pieces of stone with inscriptions, it is not decorated or fictitious at all.

Why are we talking about the Mihrab? Well, it is not only useful to tell people where they face; They also have an important psychological effect on those who use it. When you stand in front of a mihrab and look at it for a long time, your mind will create an image in your mind on how to pray - and this image will become more realistic over time. If you are used to being standing behind this mihrab every day, when you go out in public places such as supermarkets, restaurants and offices, it becomes easy to make sure that you are facing the management of Mecca to prayer. (Instead of moving away from Mecca). Thus, although this architecture may seem simple today, it has a great impact on the chapel psyche

The architecture of the mosque has affected the human psyche very significantly. For this reason, there is an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility when you enter the mosque. It is for this reason that one can feel like he is entering a place where he can forget about the problems in his life and focus only on what is most important: God. The architecture of the mosque has affected the human psyche in two ways. First, help create a sense of community. The fact that everyone entered the same space together made them feel like part of a big family. Second, it helped create an atmosphere of worship and prayer not only for people who went there for religious reasons, but for everyone who entered.

How is the architecture of the mosque physically and spiritually:

Another thing to consider when designing your mosque is the comfort each person can feel inside during worship services or other activities taking place there. The floor should be sturdy enough that people do not slip or fall easily when walking on it during times of prayer or other activities (such as meeting with community members).

People could smell the incense in their noses as they passed. They also see how beautiful it is because there are so many colors on the patterns and designs on top of each other with no space between them. It provides a feeling of calm and tranquility. All auditory, visual and olfactory sensations are present in the architecture of the mosque. The structure is designed to be easy to use and pleasant to look at. The sensory experience of entering a mosque can be social or solitary, depending on how you interact with the space.

The moral qualities of this architecture must reflect the values of Islam. The principles that make up this moral code include honesty, justice, compassion, and good deeds. These principles are represented by architectural features such as windows that let in natural light and keep intruders out; open spaces that allow interaction with others; Solid walls remind people of their responsibilities to society.

The first sense that the mosque satisfies is sight. The architecture of the mosque must be beautiful to attract people's attention and make them want to visit it. Mosques are very important buildings because they were built to worship God. They are built with premium materials such as marble, granite, etc., which makes them look better than those made from other materials such as wood or stone. In addition to good architecture, mosques also have good design inside, such as paintings on the walls, carpets on the floors, etc., which makes visitors feel comfortable when visiting. they enter it. The second sense that fills the mosque is touch. The architecture of the mosque should be made of natural materials like wood or stone so that visitors can touch them easily without hurting their fingers or hands as it will give them an opportunity to feel the softness of these materials.

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