The difference between acrylic and oil colors, acrylic color tools and oil color tools

 The difference between acrylic and oil colors, acrylic color tools and oil color tools

   Acrylic colors, their definition and tools

a definition

        It is the intermediate tool between watercolor and oil color. Water is also used in drawing, which acts as a mixing and wetting tool. However, it does not have a great effect, because acrylic is a quick-drying material, so a retarder is used or it cures quickly, and it is not transparent, unlike watercolor.

       Acrylic is always used with water, a spray bottle as long as you color, and massage to keep the colors wet from time to time to be able to process them, as they cannot be waxed and dry quickly, and if they dry out, you won't be able to reuse them.

Acrylic Color Tools:

      Acrylic colors should be used with special tools to get the best experience and work possible.

Canvas: It is a piece of fabric stretched over a frame, which constitutes the surface of the drawing. We use it after covering it with a layer of white gesso to prepare it for coloring.

Brushes: You can use all types of brushes and alternate between them depending on use, but it is best to use water-based brushes, and we have dedicated a special article to this.

Gesso: This is a material that is placed on canvas or on a surface such as sheets of canvas paper. It is considered a primary material that is painted before starting to color and facilitates the blending of colors.

Slowing agent: It is a substance used to slow and facilitate the coloring process and reduce the drying process. It is found in many different forms.

Note: Acrylic can be used in other magazines, such as for coloring caskets, clothing or other magazines, of course, in other brands and other ways.

   Oil paints, tools and methods of use

a definition :

         Oil painting is one of the tools used by artists and is considered the most aesthetic and complete in terms of colors, shadows and light. It is also one of the oldest arts and the one that has changed and integrated the most with development, and remains expressive and desirable today.

Oil painting is based on a set of foundations and principles that must be followed to achieve the desired image:

We cite among them:

       The first part, which is the surface usually made of fabric, is embodied in a painting made either with blood or with tulle. This fabric requires steps before you start working on it, from cleaning to feeling the texture of the top and stretching it. on a wooden frame so that its dimensions are equal to the largest step.

The basics of oil painting:

Which one is:

      Putty is a tool used to close pores so that colors do not bleed into layers or through fabrics. It is considered easy to use because it is spread with a brush on the canvas in layers, which means that the process is repeated until the surface has a smooth texture and it is best to smooth it out as much as possible.


      Oils play the role of viscosity and luster, and it is also the main factor in binding colors to the surface, and also controls the strength of the latter by doubling or reducing it. These oils are special for drawing and are found in libraries. These are the types that it is preferable to use dry oils, and from their name we conclude that they accelerate the adhesion of the material to the surface and speed up its drying.


    It is not often used, but its mission is to adjust the consistency of color viscosity, mix color and oil and combine them to create an even layer. It is also characterized by the power of absorption and spreading of the two materials to create a bond between them.


    These are the basics of a drawing which are in packs and available in all bookstores. They are mixed with oil to create this sticky substance ready to adhere to the board surface. They are of different and varied types, and they must be of high opacity in order to be able to mask the surface.


    It is the tool used to connect the material to the surface. It's best to use more than three of different sizes in a single design. For narrow areas, a small brush is used. For regular drawing, a brush with coarse heads is It is also better to use a special brush for mixing colors and oil.

Learn more:

- Draw on fabric with acrylic colors and dye fabric. Everything you need to start a fabric drawing 

- Properties of acrylic paint on glass and methods of application

- Tempera colors: their definition, methods and how to treat them.

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